Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Living history, UCSD campus

There has been a great deal of unrest shall we say the past week or so on the UCSD campus, which I think answers Langston Hughes' question of whether or not a dream deferred explodes. The desire for equality, for representation, for an appropriate racial climate on our campus has been a long time coming -- and unfortunately it took a racially insensitive party and a provoking broadcast to bring it all to a head for the UCSD administration to finally do anything about it.

So, this entry is dedicated to history that's being lived here on my campus. A shoutout to Fnann Keflezighi, my House Advisor, the vice-president of BSU and one of the leaders of the campaign for a better racial climate here on campus (you can hear her speak on one of the videos in the link below). I didn't make it to the teach-in or the march today, but my heart is with your cause.

A link to some media coverage of today's rally. < 2 videos

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