Monday, February 1, 2010

Because I'm a UCSD Student...

Let's kick this puppy off with a quote by good ol' Thurgood Marshall.

"A child born to a black mother in a state like Mississippi...has exactly the same rights as a white baby born to the wealthiest person in the United States. It's not true, but I challenge anyone to say it is not a goal worth working for." - Justice Thurgood Marshall

For those of you unfamiliar with the Justice, Thurgood Marshall was
- The lawyer who tried and won Brown v Board of Education
- The first black man to serve as a justice on the US Supreme Court
- Had a record as a liberal judge, particularly in protecting civil liberties (different from civil rights) and personal privacy
- Served on the US Supreme Court for 24 years, retiring only 2 years before his death at 84 years old
- Has a college named after him at University of California, San Diego (hence the mention in the title)

In response to this call for action, I'd like to think that were he alive today (and even at the time he died in 1993) he would be able to see that we are SO much closer to achieving that goal. That a black baby born in Mississippi has far greater prospects now than anytime in US history.

I begin with this quote because from the very early days of the "abolition period" (where I would argue the fight for equality and not just fight for recognition of people's humanity began) in the US, this was the goal which people aimed to achieve.

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